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Mike clearly understands what Confucius meant when he said that "music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without", and he has been rabidly pursuing that pleasure since he was but a wee lad. From a precocious tot banging complicated beats out on his moms kitchen pots and pans; to fronting his elementary school's hottest air band act - music has been as essential to Mike's life as breathing and eating from day one.

His dogged interest in all things musical was nurtured by family from an early age. When he was only five years old, Mike brokered a deal with his grandfather. He would take two years of classical piano and music theory and in return he would receive bribes and riches beyond his wildest dreams. Hoping these riches might one day include such luxuries as a new bicycle and most importantly, flying lessons, he eagerly accepted his grandfathers delicious deal. Mike grew to love the music lessons more and more, spending all his idle time practicing chords, increasing his dexterity, and occasionally letting his mind wander to his future prospects with his music teacher (who happened to be a former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader) but mostly, he was devoted to the music. After the two years of hard study had passed, Mike was able to proudly demonstrate his musical proficiency to his grandfather and was told that the day had finally come where he would acquire all that had been promised to him.

In a twist fit for a Lifetime Original Movie, his grandfather passed the following day, and it seemed that all of Mike's hard work and hand cramps would have to go unrewarded. While lamenting the loss of grandfather and his promised riches, he thought of something his grandfather had said to him the day they made that deal so long ago. His grandfather had asked Mike why he had wanted to fly with the stars, when with music he could be the star. With this, Mike realized music was his true passion and proceeded to master the basics of guitar, bass, mandolin and percussion by the time he finished middle school. He made his recording debut at age twelve, in the process meeting two zitty faced teenagers that also had a lust for rock, roll, and well, all the 'counter-culture' that tends to be associated with it. Thanks to Mike's charming and precocious ways, the zitty teenagers took Mike under their wing during the recording sessions teaching him all they new about rock, roll, and, uhm, 'counter-culture'. The zitty teenagers later went on to become very widely known.

Starting at age fourteen, he began to engineer studio sessions. By the time he was seventeen, Mike had been promoted to assistant at the local studio, had formed his own band, founded his own live sound company, and started an annual musical charity benefit that continues to this day. By the time Mike graduated from High School, he had already earned himself a respectable name and reputation in the Texas music scene.

One day, while sitting under an apple tree dreaming of limos, band-aids and penthouse parties, Mike had an epiphany… If he was going to have a successful career in music, he could not fully depend on becoming a Rock Star. He came to the conclusion that he needed a “Plan B”—just in case. So, not really knowing where or how one could learn about this audio stuff he enrolled himself in the Radio Television and Film program at the University of North Texas in Denton. Soon, Mike realized that RTVF had nothing to do with music, really, at all; however, he made the best use of his time. He hit the streets in his off-time and ended up working with multiple national acts in both the live venue and studio realm. As exciting as this all was, Mike realized it was high time to get the hell out of Texas. Initially applying to ‘top dog music school’ at Berkley, he decided he didn't much care for birkenstocks, granola or the smell of patchouli. Mike quickly retracted his application to Berkley and got on a two year waiting list to The Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences in Phoenix, Arizona.

While there, Mike spent every waking hour in the studio, gleaning knowledge from his mentors, twisting every knob, and pushing every button until he felt certain he had learned all he could about what all the pretty knobs and buttons do. He also devoted a considerable amount of time educating himself further on the "counter culture" previously introduced to him as a young teenager, hence building a strong foundation for poetic lyrics, groovy tunes, and potential future flash-backs.

After school, Mike moved to New York City and began working at Streetlight Studios. While there he encountered top name hip-hop acts, engineers and producers. He also filled his days running front of house sound for Tobacco Road, Red Lion, Bitterend, and BB King's- just to name a few. Working all day, and usually crashing on the studio couch at night, Mike was finally living a dream.

It was then Mike was convinced to join a band with his fellow Texan émigrés. A band Mike (astutely) compares to a cult. Over the course of eight years, six drummers, three bassists, five guitarists, two keyboardists, four managers, six producers, three transcontinental moves, and a partridge in a pear tree - Mike realized this cult, er, band was going nowhere fast and it was taking his musical career with it. Sure they made lots of noise, but they never really made music - and as Friedrich Nietzsche once said,"Without music life would be a mistake"

Putting an end to a eight year long marathon, Mike quit the band. What can only be described as ‘fate’ led Mike back to New York City to take the helm of a boutique recording and rehearsal facility in Mid-town. Here Mike continued making his mark on the writing, producing and mixing with a few big-dogs. Most importantly this is where Mike figured out his true calling- It seemed Mike had been put on this earth to shepherd in all the lost artists… and that is just what he did.

Mike set sail on the open seas performing his divinely apointed tasks: writing tracks, being a psychologist for the artistically lost and making sure everything along the way “sounds freaking amazing!”.